July 2022
2022/07/31 #151
Braided locks of gold
Conversations with the old
One thing, it’s not cold
2022/07/30 #150
Posting up some figs
Code is already in place
Just run through the cells
2022/07/29 #149
Project in, project out
So much going on this week
They’re good investments
2022/07/28 #148
Last day without air
Finally they are finished
Cold house, finally
2022/07/27 #147
Last day without air
Too hot outside for working
Finish tomorrow
2022/07/26 #146
Monday goes just fine
Not much to mention today
Barely remember
2022/07/25 #145
Waffles for breakfast
Smoothie and a joint for lunch
Chores never so nice
2022/07/24 #144
Saturday choppin’
Cut down the leaves on the bush
Now go pick them up
2022/07/23 #143
No more working now
It’s time for some major naps
It can all wait some
2022/07/22 #142
Break from the coding
Write some more words to explain
This project is huge
2022/07/21 #141
Quick chat, lots of facts
New things to spin up quickly
Now time to focus
2022/07/20 #140
Feeling much better
Occasionally cough
Wait for that to go…
2022/07/19 #139
Finally she rests
Only kinda though, still cleans
I want my couch back
2022/07/18 #138
At least I’m not sick
I get to play with my friends
Bring on a new char
2022/07/17 #137
Have I gone crazy?
Sick people should be resting
It’s the effin’ plague!
2022/07/16 #136
The days blend sometimes
Letting the clock run is bad
I must keep my pace
2022/07/15 #135
Huge day for writing
Sit down, shit out, then edit
It’s really not hard
2022/07/14 #134
Wednesday is two sounds
It really should be three sounds
2022/07/13 #133
Tuesday is Tuesday
Day two of the week’s struggle
Early morning meets
2022/07/12 #132
More analyzing
Lots of work for some regions
Some were accurate
2022/07/11 #131
Another day home
Desna feeling much better
Misses her bubby
2022/07/10 #130
Poor bb is ill
Time is no loner a thing
She is what matters
2022/07/09 #129
Poopy goes poopy
All night long she cries
Then morning naps
2022/07/08 #128
Finish what’s not done
Anchor to loosely laid boards
A new bug also!
2022/07/07 #127
Strong arms, legs, and back
Up and down the stairs we go
Yummy BBQ
2022/07/06 #126
Lots of traveling
Not like with a basketball
But actual travel
2022/07/05 #125
So many ways to add
Multiplying is something
They’re all different though
2022/07/04 #124
It’s the fourth today
I’m always proud and ashamed
America, chill
2022/07/03 #123
Cold, wet, gray outside
Puppies are always the best
Even with shit weather
2022/07/02 #122
Saxon priest cut down
Old viking dudes are so cool
Oh, my model’s done
2022/07/01 #121
Long hours paid off
I get to nap afternoon
Not on purpose, though